In a world of luxury travel and accommodation, it’s easy to forget the impact these things have on the environment. More and more establishments are turning “green” or “eco-friendly”, being more conscious about their practices and impact on the environment, and earning some credit along the way. Eco-friendly bed and breakfasts are not only able to display a certificate in their residence, but also attract more visitors that are looking for places to lay their head without adding an unnecessary amount of water wastage and plastic usage to their trip. Here are some tips to streamlining your B&B to become more eco-friendly using the well-known Three Rs.
- Reduce
Reduce the amount of water you use with your laundry by using “linen cards” that encourage guests to use towels and sheets for the duration of their stay, rather than continually washing. Add in some facts about how much water this can save to encourage them.
Switch to LED lights and motion-activated lights to save energy and reduce carbon emissions. Lights set on timers are a good way to feel safer and reduce your output as well.
Invest in natural cleaning products that reduce the amount of harmful chemicals that are produced and used, and are particularly good for guests with pets staying with them. They are more natural and more environmentally friendly, and smell great!
- Reuse
Ditch plastic one-time use products and keep the authentic B&B feel with glass and pottery for all your products. Buy cosmetics like shampoo and shower gel in bulk and have some reusable containers for the rooms. Stick to cloth napkins and surface cleaners instead of paper napkins and paper towels. Offer the use of reusable flasks, cups, and beeswax wrappers instead of disposable coffee cups and plastic wrapping for guests when they are out and about.
- Recycle
Make sure to have a strong recycling policy that guests are aware of. Mark bins and disposal units well with friendly notes that encourage them to deposit in the correct place. Bring in the presence of a donation bin for any unwanted food or clothing that you can take to a local food bank or clothing drop.
All of these little features let your guests know that you are not only taking care of them but of the environment too. With hand written notes and friendly reminders, they will feel responsible in their choices and comfortable in their decision to stay with you.
Make sure to promote your green B&B in any marketing literature or social media posts. Using hashtags that are widely searched is a great way to attract new guests that are looking to travel and stay in accommodation in a more responsible way.